Private Drama partnered with The Duke of Edinburgh International Award Foundation to produce Live A Legacy: A One Hundred Year Celebration, a unique and memorable evening to mark the life and legacy of their Founder, His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Private Drama designed the evening with testimonies from recipients of the Award throughout the decades woven into a specially commissioned script performed by inspirational young people from National Youth Theatre, National Youth Music Theatre and Chetham’s School of Music.
Held at The Royal Naval College, Greenwich, it was hosted by Bill Bailey, a National Youth Theatre alumni. “The evening truly highlighted the vision of our Founder through your team’s portrayal of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh’s history”, John May OBE DL, Secretary General, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation.
Private Drama devised and produced the content creation, venue sourcing, script writing, staging and artists as well as the event.
Huge thanks to the entire team at Duke of Edinburgh International Award Foundation for being incredible partners and all our talented suppliers for making it such a success.