Private Drama Events and British Pullman, A Belmond Train, have announced a new multi-year partnership set to reimagine, bolster and refresh the Murder Mystery Experience aboard the legendary UK luxury train. Set to launch in March 2023, the experience will be available on a bi-monthly basis until the end of the year.
Private Drama Events will create an all-new show revolving around the Festival of Britain. As they step on board, guests are transported back to 1951, when a new wave of contagious optimism is sweeping the country. Escorted to their plush seats by the British Pullman liveried staff, they will be treated to a chilled glass of champagne, and shortly after a sumptuous five-course lunch will be served. The art-deco carriages – including the award-winning Cygnus by acclaimed filmmaker Wes Anderson – will immerse passengers in the fictional atmosphere as the enigmatic suspects, styled in bespoke costumes made by acclaimed West End royalty, start spilling clues and information surrounding the mystery. A truly interactive experience, guests of British Pullman are invited to interview the cast as they piece together their clues with the help of a bespoke illustrated souvenir brochure, designed by acclaimed Illustrator Emma Rios, is inspired by the Pleasure Gardens Exhibition Guides published for the Festival of Britain in 1951.
Adam Blackwood, Creative Director and Founder Private Drama Events said, “We are thrilled to be partnering with British Pullman to create an unforgettable, luxury and fully immersive experience for the train’s guests. Our team has consulted closely with the British Pullman’s team; from creating bespoke costumes which draw inspiration from the original patterns and detailing in the carriages, all the way through to scripting an innovative and intricate mystery that gradually unfolds to reveal true hidden gems from within the Belmond archives. This new story is woven from the train’s history, the memories of people who worked or travelled onboard, and even each carriage’s unique personality. We can’t wait to get the Murder Mystery show on the tracks!”
The General Manager of British Pullman, Craig Moffat, comments ‘I’m very excited to unveil this elevated Murder Mystery Experience in partnership with Private Drama Events next year. Together, we successfully designed a story brimming with subtle references to the train’s heritage and craftsmanship, and created intriguing characters whose detailed costumes pay homage to British Pullman’s design features, intricate marquetry, and colourful fabrics. I’m sure our guests will fall in love with this new experience’.
The British Pullman Moving Murder Mystery will be offered on eighteen trips next year, all departing from and returning to London Victoria station. By embarking on this adventure, guests are stepping directly into the great British murder mystery tradition – a loving celebration of the genre from Arthur Conan Doyle, via Agatha Christie, to Alfred Hitchcock, and beyond. Blurring the lines between fact and fiction, every dramatic plot-twist invites guests to lean further into the train’s astonishing history whilst they piece together the clues.